Just a few thoughts for all of you who have been patiently waiting...
1. Went to New York last weekend to see my brother. Just me and the boy for 5 days. Mom stayed home. I realized he really does like me when she isn't around. Who knew?
2. While in New York, went to the city to see a Mets game. Now I have a desire to go to as many ballparks as possible before I pass on. I have been to the Fens several times, Baltimore 1 time, old Vets stadium in Phila 1 time, the ballpark formerly known as the BOB in PHX, and now Shea which for those of you who didn't know is going to the great home run trot in the sky along with Yankee Stadium after this season. I need to try to get to Yankee stadium sometime this year. I have some people working on that for me later this summer. Stay tuned.
3. So I am sitting here with the Red Sox game on in the background. How cool...I mean kool is it that we have some young players like Jacoby Ellsbury, Clay Buchloz, Dustin Pedoria and Jonathan Papplebon. These guys are already local superstars and in Papplebons case is a bonafide national superstar. I can't remember any time when we had all this young HOMEGROWN talent playing for the Red Sox. 1975 Lynn, Rice, Evans, Fisk. Seems to be the only team that seems to come close. Lets just hope the mistakes made with those players is not repeated with this group. In Theo I trust.
4. What the hell is the Celtics problem. There is no reason for a game 7, other than the fact that they aren't taking the playoffs seriously. They should have been resting since last Wednesday. Now there is a game 7 on Sunday or Monday. Good thing we got home court throughout the playoffs, we're gonna need it.
5. We are now a little over a month into the baseball season and the biggest surprise...well I have a few. How about Detroit sucking pond water, or how about the Tampa Bay D...uh Rays, or how about Oakland and Florida being players in thier respective divisions. I know its only been a month into the season, but most everybody who watches baseball with anything more than a passing interest has to be surprised. I know I am.
6. Roger Clemens. Oh how the mighty have fallen...again. 15 years old. Seriously. Come on now. 15 years old. And to think I looked up to you. Jerk.
7. I thought it was starting to get warm. Boy was I a sucker. I broke out all my shorts and sandles. Now I am freezing my balls off again. Stupid weather.
8. What is the deal with British and Canadiens adding the u in words like color (colour?) Do they think they're better than us? Did the letter u get some pix of England and Canada in comprimising positions? What gives?
9. While in afformentioned trip to New York, I was at a Finish Line in the Poughkeepsie Mall. Just wandering around, I found a Red Sox hat for the boy that was $10 off. Then I found a Red Sox replica jersey originally priced $90 marked down to $20. I will say it is a Coco jersey. but who cares. I mean you have to buy that, right. Well I did. And I came to this conclusion: Drive to New York to buy your Red Sox gear. Good deals only 200 miles ahead.
10. I have friends from high school that I will not talk to for 6 months and pick up the phone and its like we talked yesterday. I have other friends that if you don't call them everyday and update poop cycles, it's like you shot their cat.
11. Why is it that perfectly normal people will instantly turn into retards if you stick a video camera in front of them.
12. Just got confirmation that my Dave tix have landed. Life is good.
13. I warned you all it was going to be random.
Organization Psychology
8 years ago
1 comment:
i fully intend to wave and make stupid faces the next time i see you with a camera. Karen
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