Original Post date 6/30/2008
I was checking my inventory and was aghast to find what we had here. I NEVER posted my Happy Dave Day blog. In light of recent events, I toyed of just deleting it, but rightly decided against it as much of a tribute to Leroi as well as not wanting to waste several backbreaking hours of research for this blog posting. That makes me wonder if I can somehow write off my ticket costs as research funds. More on screwing the IRS later. Kidding, just kidding. I would never dream of not fulfilling my obligation as an American citizen and not paying taxes. Or are I?
Now without further ado and nearly 2 1/2 months late...
So yesterday was Dave day. That is the day every year where my group of 28-34 year old friends act like kids on Christmas morning. So without further ado, I give you my complete review of all things Dave yesterday.
First and foremost, let me say that every year I hate Mansfield/Great Woods/Tweeter/Comcast/enter new corporate sponsorship here Center a little bit more. I know that its always a few bad apples blah blah blah, but we have always been able to get in early afternoon start grilling and get our drink on. Well this year we get there around 3:30 because of rumors of a 4:00 gate opening time. Good thing we waited a little bit because rumor was true. We had to cruise around until 4:00 to get in the gate.
Once inside, BAM. 5-0 on bike patrol. NO BEERS ALLOWED!* So this year the seemingly "out of sight..."attitude no longer applies. Any alcohol found anywhere, in solo cups, in cans, in a puddle on the ground, all coolers will be searched and seized. Happy Dave Day.
*Just a quick random thought here. When I was a kid growing up, my brother and I used to love watching cartoons of all sorts. Some of my favorite were the Charlie Brown cartoons. 1 in paticular was when Snoopy was trying to get to the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm. The MAN was always putting him down because everytime he wanted to call a cab,** or catch a bus or hitch hike or whatever there was a sign and a very deep voice saying "No Dogs Allowed!" So now whenever the MAN is trying to put me down, I think about Snoopy and forget whatever it was I was upset about.
**Is it me, or was Snoopy the most human like dog in existance. That dog could do more things than I can do. He was a star baseball player, he was the Flying Ace in WWI beating the Red Baron, he was a master organizer. I mean really, how much stuff could he really have in that dog house?
Well I am friends with a bunch of hard core drunkies and the thought of a little buzz kill like getting kicked off of the property and missing the show or jail would not stop the itchy livers we brought with us.*
*No secrets will be revealed as this is a public blog and a certain group of law enforcement officials in a certain southeastern Mass. town may someday access this site looking for god knows what. P.S. All names have been changed to protect the guilty. From now on my wife will be known as Hector.
Well after a shortened grilling session, we decided to proceed into the show. Thats where the magic happens.
Don't Drink the Water
Good song to start off the night with. Pretty much everybody knows whats going on. The whole band is involved. No complaints.
"Since it was the fourty first song we wrote, it is aptly titled #41" I love this song. Really great poetry and great everyday outro at the end that the crowd took over on.
Crash into Me
Three early songs in a row. The band is really grooving tonight. Very nice Dixie Chicken outro.
Lousianna Bayou
I think that this is one of my top 5 Dave songs live. They get so into it and it gets the whole crowd going.
Loving Wings
If Hector and I ever get married, this will be our wedding song. Such a treat to hear tonight.
"I wanna go down on you...I wanna go down on you..." Dave you're so dirty;)
Jimi Thing
This is the song of the night that I called. The Dave started talking bout how good we all smelt so I figured he was gonna sing us a song bout gettiing high. I was right. Probably would have been best song of the night, but you must read on.
Have I told anybody how much I love it when Dave covers songs. Well I do. Some bands cover songs and you're like "ok well whatever" Dave covers a song and now whenever I hear the song on the radio, I need to turn it because its not Dave playing. I'm not sure this is one of those, but very cool nontheless.
I am not so famailar with this song, so I kinda sit back and take it in. Has a very Eddie Vedder/Last Kiss sound. I dig it.
The Idea of You
I think this could be the next great Dave love song along the lines of Crush.
Where Are You Going
Honestly, I could do without this song live. I've heard it. It really feels like its taking up space that could be used for a song I haven't heard in a while.
Seek Up
Seriously. I love this effing song. This is the Dave song that made me realize so much more. Great long intro. Total Jam. Great long outro. Like 18 and a half minutes. Just incredible. Still not the best song of the night. Stay tuned.
Two Step
I get the vibe that the show is starting to wind down, which sucks because I always want Dave to play until the sun rises. However Dave played this song like it was the last song they were ever going to play. Absolutely fantastic.*
*By this time, it has become apperant to me of 3 things. 1) The show is winding down. It is now encore break. B) I am pissed at the cops because I don't have nearly the buzz I should at a Dave show. D) I am much too old to do this goddamn lawn thing anymore.** I am spending money on pavillion seats next year, no questions asked.
** I am also spending the extra $$ on premier parking. I am sick of having to wait until 1 am to get driving and coming home. I didn't get home until 3 am and I had to work the next day. WTF over.***
***What happens when everybody catches on to the premier parking thing. Are they gonna have Super Premier Parking for $80 instead of $40?
This was alright. I really have no connection to this song not having a sister and all. It was quite humorous watching the Wastys dancing and making up their own lyrics.
Thank You (fallettenme be mice elf, agin)
I did not know what was going on with this song, but let me tell you. This song was effing amazing. I am not sure I have seen anything like that or this.
Until next year Happy Dave Day.
Organization Psychology
8 years ago
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